Toddler Class

Step by step.

paperHello everyone. paper

This month we tried balancing on the steps.
We made a cool road going around the room
. flair

We first walked with our teachers till we got the hang
of walking on the steps.

happy01 good


Though everyone had fun and got excited,
we were very careful not to run and fall down.

Everyone tried their best to walk and balance by themselves.
Look! We did it!

sunwink sun

Hello everyone.

This month we tried balancing on the steps.
We made a cool road going around the room. flair

We first walked with our teachers till we got the hang
of walking on the steps. happy01 good


Though everyone had fun and got excited,
we were very careful not to run and fall down.

Everyone tried their best to walk and balance by themselves.
Look! We did it!

